Sunday, July 17, 2016


Sunday, July 17, 2016

This content was originally posted July 17th, 2016 as an Instagram caption, and edited onto this blog August 29th, 2016.

Around this time in summer '15 I got a crazy feeling that the next year was going to be a big one. Dudes, I had no idea. And it's barely halfway through!! 

Choosing joy to be the defining attribute of my life does not come easy (especially when emails come in too fast and sleep does not come quickly) but the response & growth in my life and the lives of people around me has been cray-cray insane! Seriously, don't stop your joy. Let it rise up. Shut down petty arguments with genuine laughter and admit you messed up. 

Joy isn't pretending everything is amazing and you're happy and you got it figured out - joy is rejoicing no matter how lame and grody the circumstance. Don't let cynicism be the defining part of your faith walk. Anybody can be a cynic. It's not natural to rejoice even when life sucks. It's counter cultural. Okay enough of my mini pep talks - bottom line: Let's spread the joy, people!