I never thought I'd become the fancy somebody who has a FAQ page, but here we are. Most of the time I respond to questions individually, either through email or through my Facebook page, but a lot of the quick q's I get are usually the same kinds of thangs.. so why not have everything in one place!
If you have a question, you can email me at purposeofgraceblog@gmail.com, or you can message me here or here.
Do you take/edit/produce all the photos on your blog?
The quick answer is mostly, yes! I love photography and creating, so this is probably one of my favourite things about running POG (Although I would call myself strictly a self-taught amateur). Occasionally, though, if I'm busy at school or just don't have anything good in my personal stock arsenal - I'll use Unsplash. This is pretty rare, and usually I'll let you know when I use a photo that I personally didn't take!
What got you into blogging?
I love people, I love encouraging, and I love story telling. And I really really want to get things. I want to understand the world around me. And part of how I like to do that is by writing. Or reading the words of other people - people much, much wiser than me. Life is fascinating - people are interesting. Plus, I think there's something really special about creating a beautiful space to inspire and motivate others. Blogging is cathartic. And I'm a chatterbox that just loves throwing things out there.
What are you taking in school?
I'm getting my bach of Religious Education, Family and Social. After that - Women's Ministry!
Tips for first time bloggers/people thinking about starting a blog?
Do your research, and don't let fear stop you! Write clearly about what you're passionate about, respect your readers, and engage. It helps if you make things pretty, and there are lot's of ways to do that without going overboard in the money department. Pinterest is your bff. And - planning is key. Be as organized as you possibly can, in whatever way that works best for you.
Are you dating anybody?
Actually, I'm getting married September 2018! Tag along with me as I go through the process by following me on insta - @bgaknsn - there will be DIYs and a lot of tears! (the good kind)
How do you self-care?
Rest, rest, rest. Planned and organized rest. I clean, I read, I light candles, I write in my journal, sometimes I just call a good friend and cry. Sometimes I listen to worship music, sometimes I listen to plain ol' good music. Sometimes I dance and sometimes I nap. My main goal is just setting time in my day or my week to be in tune with where my heart's at.
Anything fitness/diet/lifestyle related.*
Yes, guys, I am a vegetarian. Sometimes a vegan, depending on what's happening in my life. I've been meatless (gasp!) for almost two years. If you want more information on what that's all about, there's some great stuff out there (and not so great). Good research is key! As for fitness, I'm really into HIIT and body resistance. I go to the gym anywhere from 3-6 days a week. Exercise is a big part of my self-care routine, and something I really enjoy. Ya girl could talk workouts and nutrition all diddly dang day. I'm also very into hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, and running. I may eventually write posts about all of this cool stuff, so stay tuned!
*I do not endorse any of these aspects of lifestyle choices for every individual. Before deciding to commit to a plant-based diet, intense workout routines, or potentially dangerous sports, please research carefully and consult a professional if necessary.